Mostly dogs and yoga,
but also yoga and dogs.
An evolving collection of essays, stories, reflections, and occasional disappointing wordplay.
New posts every other Thursday… in theory.
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The Role of Ego in Dog Training
There isn’t one.
She must have been abused.
If you have an anxious or fearful dog, or even one who displays explosive reactivity or aggression, there’s a good chance that someone, maybe even yourself, has asked if your dog was abused. Frequently this assumed past of physical violence, neglect, trauma, or general mistreatment is practically insisted upon by well intentioned souls, even when……
What’s in your toolbox? (part 2)
Last month (remember my intention to post every other week? HA!) I wrote about using the basic tools you and your dog already have at your disposal, this week I want to discuss specialty tools – the things we teach our dogs that we never would have taught if we didn’t need to. Some dogs……